Valerie Millsapps Valerie Millsapps

The Wall of Hope Needs You

The Wall of Hope...

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the wall of hope? Many might think we are talking about Tennessee football and the hope of some wins this year...not hardly. That is not the brick by brick we are envisioning for a wall,  Aight.

I digress. A Wall of Hope we are envisioning is a safe haven for men and women. A place to run to in the time of need. A place to say it is okay to cry, it is okay to be scared, it is okay to be unsure. A Wall of Hope where there is no judgement, only love. 

As we scroll on social media, watch the news, or read the happenings in the local paper we laugh to think there is no such place as a safe haven anymore. 19 years ago, I would have very much agreed with no safe haven. In fact, I would have been very hateful to someone that talked such nonsense about somewhere to turn to if you felt as if life had left you in total loss. 

You see...I was single, alone, and pregnant. I felt walls crumbling down around me as words of fear, shame, failure, not going to be a good mom rushed over me like waves in the oceans. I labeled myself in that season of my life which has a lot more to the story for another time. Fast forward almost 19 I stand.

Not only here I stand, but I am surrounded by an army of people who in their own brokenness, trials, and messes come together like a beautiful puzzle for others.  

When we face hiccups in life all we can see is an empty field and we desire to take a shortcut to the palace. Many times we need to slow down and go through that empty field to get to the palace. That’s where growth is found. Will we see rain? Will we see weeds in this field of life? Of course. Will it be worth it, yes. It’s part of the journey. 

We get to that palace and see that beautiful Wall of Hope. That safe haven of people who have traveled on a journey before you and have hands up ready for you to grab ahold of. Let’s build this together, so we can continue to build others up in their time of need instead of putting each other down. That’s where that Wall of Hope needs you.   

In one week over 400 people will gather in one place to see how they can join hands in this great work of the Pregnancy Resource Center. To see how we can continue to save and transform lives together. To strengthen families and let them know they are sacred, valued and welcomed inside our Wall of Hope. 

How can you be a brick in the Wall of Hope?  First and foremost, you can pray for this event. A lot of preparation and planning go into this one night, so we can continue to walk in confidence knowing someone pledged a sustaining gift to lead the way. A minimum of $30 a month can be life-changing in more ways than one. It helps our team stay focused on the work they have been called to do.

If you’d like to join in this great work of changing and strengthening generations not only by a financial gift, but you want to help build this wall. We invite you to call us and set up a visit and see how you are being called to be used.  

You are on a journey with us to have many more stories just like our friend, Sara*.

Read Sara’s story in her own words:  I first came to the Pregnancy Resource Center in 2018. I was terrified and didn't know what the people at the Pregnancy Resource Center was going to think about me being 19 and pregnant. The first time I walked in at the Pregnancy Resource Center I felt welcomed, no judgement, and all the Center wanted to do was help me make the best decision for me.

Since coming to the Center, they have helped me being more confident in myself as a young mother and they've helped me learn how to make life better for me and my baby.

3 things I have learned coming to the Pregnancy Resource Center that I wish everyone knew...
1. Age does not define ones ability to be a great mother.
2. You never have to do anything alone.
3. Nothing you do will be perfect and you will mess up, but the fact that you are trying your hardest will make all the difference in the world.

I want to be a guidance counselor for elementary school children. I was going to wait on college, but Pregnancy Resource Center helped me restore faith in myself and believe I can handle anything and I am strong! 

Stories like this one keeps us going. We invite you on this journey of building this great Wall of Hope. One story at a time. 


 *real names are never used.


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